35 K
Availability Unknown
$35.00 (Full Package) $15.00 (Four Refills )
by Textware Solutions
Read Review (Rating 4/5) <<
Most of the time we tap on keys of a keyboard. In addition, version 2.0 of the Fitaly keyboard has introduced the notion of sliding, that is, the act of moving the pen to another key after the initial tap. If a program were to allow both sliding and Graffiti gestures at the same time, it would be difficult to know the meaning of a pen move. So one of the two has to have precedence over the other.
Our experience with Fitaly 2.0 has shown the value of sliding to quickly enter capitals and digits. Most users have found it to be very natural and fast: it is much faster to slide a key than to tap a shift key and a given letter. So allowing sliding remains the default choice for FitalyStamp.
See VisorCentral's extensive review for more infomation...
User Opinions |
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One of the best add-ons. |
Grafitti allows you to enter data with less amount of concentration (even without looking at the grafitti area at times). Tap requires less time than stroke once you familiarize yourself with the keyboard layout. It is hard to contend that a thousand taps take lesser time than a thousand strokes. This is where the FITALY layout helps. I find letters in most commonly used English words really require less stylus point travel between keys in FITALY. At first it was a little bit of a labor to find the keys, because, well, it ain't the ol' familiar QWERTY.
I am 27-30WPM with grafitti (which I have been using for almost two years now). My first two days with FITALY I register a pitiful 12-15WPM. I am not one to give up easily, now, after a week of using it, I am boasting a 45WPM -- a speed I never attained with grafitti. And, hey, I am getting better and faster with tapping.
Now, this is the catch: $35??? Gimme a fudging break!
Sure, I recommend this product, but only if it's free. What? the company has to send the manager on a cruise? Well, okay, then, $3? More? Ok, I can go up to $5, take it or leave it.
kommonreviewer |

FS should be standard equipment! |
Seriously, they need to ditch grafitti and silk-screen this bad boy on all new Visors instead!
Galley_SimRacer |

Nice but not necessary |
The Fitaly keyboard is well-laid out and not too hard to learn. But like any keyboard you need some concentration to type, whereas I can get by with Graffiti without even looking at the Visor. Overall I find Graffiti more natural, not that much slower (I got 26wpm with the Fitaly demo, which is probably faster than I can think), and am lucky to have good accuracy too. If you want a keyboard though, check out Fitaly. They also have a version without the stamp over the Graffiti area (just a pop-up keyboard like the built-in one), which is cheaper.
dalamar70 |

FitalyStamp 2.0 beta is great! |
I've tested EVERY keyboard overlay out there and have been a beta tester for a number of them. FitalyStamp is the most stable and innovative product. Textware's customer service and its receptiveness to new ideas cannot be beat.
Michael Kaufman |

Easily the best money you will ever spend! |
Like some others here, I love FitalyStamp not even so much for the faster speed I can get, but just the fact that everything is accurately rendered. I would consider myself fairly good at Graffiti, but still, every 10th letter or so would come up wrong. No problem when using FitalyStamp. The ability to easily add in special characters is a godsend. The new version 2.0 that is in beta now with the ability to use various other Hacks like the popular Pop-Up series and its custom sliding makes this the only overlay I will ever consider using!
Mary Jo Sminkey |

Better than graffiti |
I like fitaly ok, but has anyone out there tried thumbscript at Once I got the hang of that I liked it even better than fitaly and the latest free version even has a built in WPM feature to check your speed. Try it!
Les |

A Killer App! |
I wouldn't want to bother with a Palm if it weren't for Fitaly
Stamp. I've tried all sorts of text input from T9 to the Landware Keyboard and FitalyStamp is OUTSTANDING and UNBEATEN. Customer support and willingness to listen to and respond to user suggestions is unsurpassed as well. I keep FS in FlashROM so I wouldn't even have to cope without it in case of a hard reset. It's that important a program.
JaiAlberto |

Ergonomically sensible |
I had this program on my Newton MessagePad. It is outstanding and does improve in a short amount of time with practice. For you ergonomically minded, folks, the analogy is similar to using the "DVORAK" keyboard layout instead of the "QWERTY" version.
Gerard |

Even in combination with Stowaway keyboard |
I do like Fitaly, but I also like my Stowaway keyboard. And surprise: it even makes sense to use both. There is no need to switch settings.
Matthias |

Go ahead, spoil yourself! |
If you get Fitaly Stamp, you'll never use, nor need anything else. It is that good. I've been using the Stamp ever since it came out, first on my Palm III and now on my Visor. It is FAST and ACCURATE. Download the game from their website that helps you increase your speed.
Brad |