0K on Visor when inserted
0.6 oz.
Hard Cover Compatible:
Availability Unknown
User Opinions |
95% |
5% |

Essential |
This is a must have for any Visor DLX user.
Anonymous |

What's not to like? |
A must-have. It's a one-tap backup that's already helped me to a fast and painless "restore" from a broken Visor. Well worth the money.
Greg LeFever |

Simplicity |
Bought the HS Backup Module 7/16. There was no need for instructions for even a PDA novice like myself. A must buy for anyone using third party programs that they consider valuable.
Jim |

Works great! |
It works well, just make sure you have enough battery power to get through the whole backup in an emergency, otherwise it won't back it all up.
Anonymous |

Very nice!!!! |
The one button backup is very nice.
after losing all my information on my last trip i bought the backup module so i wouldnt have that same nightmare again. since i use alot of beta programs this will be saving my butt alot.
Anonymous |

So nice |
If only it was this easy to back up my desktop computer.
Nathan Silva |

As Advertised |
Backs up entire unit with one tap. Reassuring to have a full backup sitting in the back of your visor in case of emergency. Highly recommended! 10/10 ! :)
Vertigo |

So reassuring |
As a new convert from a Filofax, I'm only just learning to trust the little 'puter with the details of my life, and this is a great comfort. In particular, I now feel more confident about using rechargeable batteries - the last lot failed with very little warning, but with constant back ups that wouldn't worry me.
But I do wish they'd included a small case for the module.
Leezz |

Life Saver |
Bailed my bacon quite a few times so far. I've found that leaving my Blue VDx in the car overnight when it's cold out will sometimes eat my NiMHs. Dead Visor! No prob, just switch in new batteries, hit reload and I'm back in business.
neonfrog |

Must have for medical professionals |
I'm a medical student, and I'm using the Patientkeeper software to keep track of all my patients. One morning during attending rounds, my Visor crashed, and I literally almost went into cardic arrest!! I lost ALL my patient files, lab reports, vital signs...etc. There's nothing worst than standing before your attending(your boss) and trying to recall lab values, lab reports, test results (past and present) from pure memory. Well after that nightmare, I got the Backup Module to restore valuable lost date in case my Visor ever crash again. So far no recurrence of another crash. In the event of one, I could rest easy that I still have my patient data, and I would not need CPR.