18K on Visor when inserted
0.5 oz. (2.0 oz. w/ cable)
2 1/8" x 2¼" x 11/32"
Desktop Conduit:
Hard Cover Compatible:
Availability Unknown
User Opinions |
76% |
24% |

Awesome! |
Works great, easy to use, uprgradable, small, less expensive than other modem modules, just downloaded the update with the file mover program and freed up 500K on my Platinum. What's not to like!
Anonymous |

Power hungry |
It sucks the juice out of the batteries so fast that you won't get 1 hour of online time. Useless for surfing, or for dial up config of servers or routers. Nice size, nice price, nice try, but no cigar.
Kevin |

nice price but reliability sucks |
I ordered one and tried it out for awhile. The modem stopped working after 30mins and returned it. It looked flimpsy and zapped the power of the Visor in no time. Also, without the cord it's useless.
Kanehi |

Left-over THINCOM comments.... :( |
I already posted my TUMBS DOWN, and I don't want to distrupt your little counting scheme here. But, I RETURNED
my THINCOM modem for its LIMITED TIME battery life and DEMO MAIL program. I returned it (on the last day)
and upgraded (IMHO) to the HANDSPRING MODEM (for $10 more).
More reasons:
o Thincom's built-in BROWSE-IT web browser is missing a few letters to fully describe its performance. Go figure.
This firmware app was the SECOND-MOST crash prone program on my Visor. At least the first one was able
to be DELETED..not so with this. It is terrible way to surf the web. I used ADVANTGO with much better results.
Miserable comes to mind to describe BROWSE-IT.....However, Eudora's Browser works well too.Thank God
for for the CRASH SHIELD hack.......
o The DEMO e-mail program. I already said what I have to say on that subject. I never tried it. I don't do DEMO's
and especially with this price tag...when any number of other e-mail programs are available. It should have been
included for FREE.
o I never tried the included dial-up BBS TERMINAL I have no need for such a program...or have had
ANY need in seven years of using the internet. How about adding another connector to the modem that provides
a REAL RS-232 compliant port...and include a real VT-100 (or other) TERMINAL EMULATOR program. That
would be a whole lot more handy then what this is....I could then use it on my AX-25 packet controller ...or any
number of terminal situations at work.
o The modem runs HOT...check it after a few minutes of wonder my Visor's batteries depleted so rapidly.
When not in use, I suppose it only requires a few milliamps to stay happy.
o No easy DISCONNECT function...that I could find in its included software.
Sorry guys and gals, its cute and all..I REALLY tried to like this thing. But, its just not for me. My HANDSPRING MODEM
was surfing for about an hour signs of battery depletion (two AAA's - they quote THREE HOURS of use). Unheard
of with my returned THINCOM. YMMV. Have Fun!
Anonymous |

Safe and Secure Connection |
My Proxiweb app is bulletproof!
Thanks, Guys!!
Anonymous |

Need to find a lower cost alternative |
For this kind a money I expected the "BUILT-IN" mail
program to be more than a 10 DAY DEMO. And Battery
life is non-existant when used with fresh batteries.
Useless for surfing, or anything requiring any
amount of online time. My money was better spent
on the 8MB FLASH RAM. Buy the Visor modem, with its
OWN batteries..........
Anonymous |

It is great |
I just got it, and it is great. Sure, you could buy an older laptop with a modem for about the same price. But that laptop would be slow and not be able fit in your pocket. That is the main asset here. Also, it does not need it's own batteries, and does not stick out like the handspring modem.
Anonymous |

A Great Device |
On a Visor Deluxe, this modem works well. The latest software allows you to move applications in and out of it's flash memory. The supplied software is weak, I replaced it with Eudora's PalmOS software.
I find that the battery drain is substantial. After "recovery" (see the article), I found that the (fresh batteries) level had declined by a bit more than 20% after 30 minutes of use. Obviously, this modem is not meant for continuous use.
The bottom line, though, is that it is small, very easy to set up and use, and it gets the job done. Highly recommended.
jgitz |

Too expensive! |
At half the price of the Visor deluxe, 33.6 speed, and extra charge (one assumes from past marketing strategies) for software and firmware upgrades, it's too pricey for my blood. For the price of the Visor deluxe and a 33.6 modem, one could purchase a reasonably competent used laptop.
Anonymous |

Its almost perfect |
I use my modem to dail into my company servers, the only hitch I've found is moving between apps. (browseit and multimail) when I establish a connection in one, the other doesnt recognize it. I have to disconnect, then reconnect in the other program. Aside from that..It works quite well.
Anonymous |