37 K on Visor when inserted
1.4 oz.
2½ x 2¼ x 1-1/8
Hard Cover Compatible:
Availability Unknown
$199.99 (64MB)
User Opinions |
67% |
33% |

Can you say MINIJAM? |
I for one am in LOVE with this product.
Before...I had the MiniJam, I never used my Visor! It was sooo boring! Now that I have a MiniJam, I always use the Visor along with the awesome sounding MiniJam. I have the 64MB ICE version, really cool product, and IMO it is the best SpringBoard add-on for the visor!
Ara |

Fact Sheet... |
Stop complaining about minor features! They released the Minijam sooner than it would have happened with all the other minor features.
I would definetly recommend this product! 10 stars out of 10!
Anyone who is bashing this product should be ashamed of themself. This is a great product, from a great company, and I am sure there are more things to come!
Ronnie S. |

What more can you ask for? |
This product is pretty damn cool...and the ICE one goes great with my ICE Visor! Really matches...InnoGear has brought out some great products in the past, and they are continuing with their Minijam and soon, the SIXPAK! that is going to rock!
If you haven't bought a MiniJam yet, do it! You won't be dissapointed!
YoYo |

Great Product! |
This is a great product at a great price! No other mp3 player allows you to view pictures, read books, and get great sounding music!!! The music is great! No arguing that! And you can even get 128MB of RAM!

Worth the wait! |
Innogear has produced a Springboard with an awesome set of features above and beyond what would be found on a simple MP3 player. Few Springboard modules have come to the market so far due to the complexity of development and the shortage of parts. It is noteworthy that the competition has just released information on an another MP3 module at a comparable price but with far fewer features.
bottomgun |

too little too late |
If you read the ORIGINAL fact sheet from innogear and everything was met when it was released then it would have been a decent buy, but they did not deliver all the options. First of all, the price was suppose to be around 200. Second, it suppose to support voice recording. Third, it was suppose to be able store and backup programs and available a long time ago.
InnoSux |

Too costly |
Drop the price by $100 and it's a good buy, but you can find excellent portable MP3 players for much less than $260.
mgm01 |

You Poor Fools |
All those who bought this thing are raving and the rest realize what a rip it is. 32mb ram is half of whats needed and $259 is double what it's worth. Check out a Nomad2 (64mb and $260 plus better sound) be Happy :)
Anonymous |

Too little for too much |
For the monster price $259, I would expect better battery life, an FM radio, and even a car adapter. But for all that money, all you get is a basic player with no stand out features. So what's the point? Anyone who gets a MiniJam and is happy about it is only fooling themselves into thinking their expansion slot is actually useful.
Ron |