Sun Jan 14, 2001 - 5:11 PM EST - By James Hromadka | |
you're sending to a GSM phone, the quickest way to send to someone is to
select their number from AddressBook and tap
the SMS button. Type in the message and press Send. Very difficult
SMS isn't SMTP, and messages may take time to receive. I sent myself an SMS message using VoiceStream's network and it took twenty minutes to get it. The rest of my test messages took less than a minute.
The SMS Application doesn't have an email lookup function (only phone numbers), so if you are in the application you will have to manually type in someone's email address. After selecting "SMS E-Mail Center" in the To field, begin your message text with the recipient's email address followed by a space and a # symbol (i.e. [email protected] #). Then type in your message like normal.
SMS Application is also what notifies you when you have a new voice mail
message from someone. One nice thing is that if you are using VoiceStream,
you will receive an SMS message with the person's name and phone number
if available that lets you know you have a voice mail and gives you the
option to immediately call them back. The message is displayed almost
immediately after inserting the VisorPhone module, which is important since
the VisorPhone only works when inside the Visor.
Other cellular providers may provide voice mail notification in a different manner. I believe that PacBell displays a small icon when you have a voice mail instead of sending you an SMS message.
you have Greetings turned on, you can begin and end your message with canned
text to save typing, similar to how the @ctiveLink functions. SMS
hasn't caught on in the U.S. like it has in the rest of the world, but
I like having the ability to type up a quick message to someone, especially
since I can use the Stowaway keyboard to type longer messages. Now
I just need more people to get GSM!
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