Thu Nov 2, 2000 - 1:02 PM EST - By James Hromadka | |
The Platinum comes with Palm OS 3.5.2H, which adds some new features like Ir synching and a command menu. Other features include the ability to beam entire categories and duplication of address book items. One feature that I like is that you can now mask private items instead of hiding them. Editing is also easier. Double-tap to select an entire word, and triple-tap to select the entire line.
If you
are upgrading from the Visor, there can be some "gotchas." If you
use BackupBuddy, remove any OS
patches from your Visor before you do that last HotSync before switching
to the Platinum. There are also some applications that do not work
under OS 3.5 like Launcher III. If you
have any problems after upgrading, check the app developer's website first
and see if there is a more recent update. Also, some modules like
the Eyemodule
and MiniJam
must be updated to work properly with the newer 3.5 OS. If you're
having a problem with your module or application, contact the manufacturer.
OS 3.5 also adds 4-bit greyscale support to the Visor. I have here
a picture from a custom AvantGo channel that I made for Weather
Underground. Support for 16 greyscale is one of the few ways
that you will really see a difference if you are upgrading from a VDX to
the Platinum. Other than that, I like the command-stroke menu (see
picture) and not needing Menu Hack anymore.
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