Sun Sep 24, 2000 - 3:46 PM EDT - By James Hromadka | |
Space Stylus is a modified version of the original Chrome Bullet Pen that
Fisher designed in 1948. Fisher Space Pens have been used by NASA
since 1967 because it can write in the vacuum of space and has been featured
for years in the New York Museum of Modern Art. The pen works in
extreme temperatures (-50° F to 400° F) and can be used at any
angle. Click here
for a technical description of how the pen works and for an interesting
story on how the Space Pen saved the Apollo 11 mission!
Now that you have had your history lesson, let's take a look at the
Space Stylus itself. The stylus is shaped to be short and stubby
and has a clip-on for your shirt. Pull the back of the stylus out,
turn it around, and then reinsert it into the front part of the stylus
to give you a full-size ink pen. Just imagine how The Eagle docked
with the Columbia command module and you'll get the idea.
The Space Stylus comes in Chrome or Black and uses black, blue, or red ink refills.
I didn't get the stylus until the Shuttle mission STS-106 had already left
for the International Space Station, I wasn't able to give the Space Stylus
its proper testing. Maybe next time
So I tried out the black stylus tip of the stylus on my Visor for a while,
and I must say, this stylus has one of the best tips that I have ever used.
I was very impressed with how smoothly the Space Stylus moved across the
Visor's screen, even when using WriteRights.
I also like the thickness of the Space Stylus, which is greater than most
styli tend to be.
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